There are two of you. The corporate you and the spirit. Discover how it happened and what it truly means.
For almost every arena imaginable, you have access to over 500 pre-written business and legal contracts, from banking, loans, insurance, health care, investments, corporate formalities, partnerships, power of attorney, real estate contracting, real estate ownership, deeds, trusts, non-profit organizations, family & children, authors, publishers and more!
Putting your home and car in a trust can have several benefits, such as avoiding probate, eliminating estate taxes, and ensuring privacy. It also allows you to control how your assets are distributed. The Lawful Helpmate helps you put it all in place.
It is crucial to have a trust for not only your car and home, but also your business. Be sure all of your assets are protected!
Get the tools you need before the sheriff comes knocking. Get the help you need to stop unlawful foreclosures and evictions.
Get the tools you need before the sheriff comes knocking.
US Supreme court unanimously ruled that law firms acting on behalf of secured parties to foreclose on security interests in nonjudicial proceedings are not "debt collectors" and thus, are exempt from liability under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act ("FDCPA"). If they try to collect a debt from you, you can sue their socks off!
"Court" is a four sided wall. And paper is your best friend. You just have to know the right language to put on your documents, and the Lawful Helpmate is here to help you succeed without stepping foot in the court room.
You'll have the right answers to the trick questions that are thrown at you by officials.
You'll discover the truth about the real location of a "country" and all the while you thought you knew.
Justice is blind, find out how the common law is much more superior than what is in front of you as law.
Learn how to set up your own business trust. A business trust is essential. It makes your business the responsible party and you are removed from all personal liability. It goes back to the old saying, "own nothing, but control everything." Shield yourself with a business trust.
Learn how to conditionally accept all offers via mail that try to force you to contract with their agencies. In the rules of contract, there is a 72 hour rule of contract, you can either accept the offer, conditionally accept the offer, argue, or remain silent. Your Power is in Conditionally Accepting their offer. And it's ALL inside the LAWFUL HELPMATE.
Discover the ins and outs on credit, the secrets that can raise your score, and the techniques the wealthy used to get and stay on top.
This is it! Learn the power of trust.